宇儿 发表于 2011-5-3 11:58:03


the upper airways consist of the nose, the sinuses,the pharynx ,and the larynx .
1.nose and sinusesthe nose is the organ of smell,with receptors from cranial nerve I (olfactory) located in the upper areas this organ is a rigid structure that contains two passages separatedin the middle by the septum .The upper one third of the nose is composed of bone;the lower two thirds is composed of cartilage ,which allows limited movement .the septum and interior walls of the nasal cavity are
lined with mucous membranes that have a rich biood supply. the anterior nares (nostrils or external openings into the nasal cavities)
arelined with skin and hair follicles ,which are first defense mechanisms of the respiratory system .they defend against foreign particles or organisms from entering the lungs. the posterior nares are openings from the nasal cavity into nasopharynx.
three bony projections called turbinates ,arise from the lateral walls of the internal portion of the nose .turbinares increase the total
surface area for filtering ,heating,and humidifying inspires air before it passes into the nasopharynx .inspired air entering the nose is
first filtered by in the nares .particles not filtered out in the nares trapped in the mucous layer of the turbinates. these particles are
movedby cilia (hairlike projections)to the oropharynx ,where they are either swallowed or expectorated. inspired air is humidified by
contact with the mucous membrance and is warmed by exposure to heat from the vascular network.
the paranasal sinuses are air-filled cavities within the hollow bones that surround the the nasalpassages.they are lined with ciliated
epithelium.the sinuses provide resonance during speech and decrease the weight of the skull
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